Controlled enteral nutrition in critical care patients - A randomized clinical trial of a novel management system
Ilya Kagan a, *, Moran Hellerman-Itzhaki a, Itai Bendavid a, Liran Statlender a, Guy Fishman a, Paul E. Wischmeyer b, Elisabeth de Waele c, d, e, Pierre Singer a,
Clinical Nutrition 42 – 2023
Early Feeding in Critical Care - Where Are We Now?
Mette M. Berger, MD, PhDa,*, Annika Reintam Blaser, MD, PhDb,c, Orit Raphaeli, PhDd, Pierre Singer, MDe,f
Critical Care Clinics, November, 2024
Complications Associated with Enteral Feeding
Miriam Theilla, Orit Raphaeli, Eyal Robinson & Pierre Singer.
Nutrition, Metabolism and Kidney Support -Chapter 14 (pp 149–160), 2024
Personalized nutrition therapy in critical care: 10 expert recommendations
Paul E. Wischmeyer, Danielle E. Bear, Mette M. Berger, Elisabeth De Waele, Jan Gunst, Stephen A. McClave, Carla M. Prado, Zudin Puthucheary, Emma J. Ridley, Greet Van den Berghe & Arthur R. H. van Zanten,
Critical Care volume 27, 2023
Detection of gastroesophageal reflux by multichannel intraluminal impedance technology during mechanical ventilation: The first case series
Yaron P. Bar-Lavie a, b, #, Danny Epstein a, *, #, Michael Roimi a, Shirly Steinlauf c,
Clinical Nutrition Open Science 44 – 2022
Reflux events detected by multichannel bioimpedance smart feeding tube during high flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy and enteral feeding: First case report
Ilya Kagan a, ⁎, Moran Hellerman-Itzhaki a, Ido Neuman a, Yehuda D. Glass b, Pierre Singer a,
Journal of Critical Care 60 – 2020
Technology innovations in delivering accurate nutrition: Preventing malnutrition and enforcing nutritional guidelines
Prof. Pierre Singer, Liron Elia,
ICU Management & Practice 1 – 2019
smART+ increases efficiency of enteral nutrition in intensive care patients
Dr. Frank Lichert, Weilburg
Current Nutritional Medicine, 01-2024