Discover The Next Leap in Critical Care
From failure to success:
Nutrition 2.0, a new nutrition approach
Nutrition 2.0, a new nutrition approach

The smART+™ Platform provides real-time data as well as daily reports, enabling the fast detection of abnormalities and alerting physicians to take action.
Two leading experts explain how to go from failure to success using Nutrition 2.0 & examine how the smART+™ platform makes it possible

Prof. Elisabeth De Waele
I was very, very impressed when I saw it for the first time – because everything you want it to do is in there – and also the good logarithms are in there – the good decision-making tools. It's like Pierre, myself, a dietitian and a nurse are in one system and we can do whatever you want

Prof. Pierre Singer
When creating the smART+™ platform, we had a few key goals – to be safer than we are today, create good monitoring of enteral feeding, and provide adequate nutrition. So, it's a main issue that we're overcoming, thanks to this device which calculates nutritional deficits and compensates for it

4 smart solutions | 1 powerful patient-safety technology
A sensor-based, comprehensive solution designed to detect feeding-related complications while achieving optimal feeding efficiency.
Feeding Tube
Reduction of Gastric
Optimal Feeding &
Compensation Plan
Compensation Plan
Ensuring patient safety.
Enhancing nutrition.
Enabling effective care.
Enhancing nutrition.
Enabling effective care.